I got certified today!

No, I didn't officially get declared insane. Today I passed the AWS Solution Architect Associate certification.

After working every day in the cloud since 2012, I thought it might be a good idea to get certification for the kind of work I’ve already been doing, in particular what I’ve learnt from creating my open-source framework Ocean. Even more so since I’ve recently joined Diabol AB.

My end goal is to take two Professional AWS certifications: Solution Architect Professional, and DevOps Professional. Those two are considered difficult, the AWS Solution Architect Professional in particular. Both require extensive preparation.

For this reason I’m taking all three Associate certifications. Some of them are prerequisites for taking the Professional certifications, and since their contents overlap to a large extent it makes sense to study them together. If all goes well, I’ll do all three in March.

After that, I need to concentrate on CloudFormation, which I will need to know inside out, Docker, and a few other technologies and services, before I go for the DevOps professional. I don’t know exactly when I’ll sit for that. And finally, after some further preparation, the AWS Solution Architect Professional.

AWS is extremely hot right now — according to Ryan Kroonenburg from A Cloud Guru, it is estimated there is a skills shortage of approx 1.7 million certified AWS professionals worldwide. And the AWS Solution Architect Professional is top of the line.

And, by the way, if you’re thinking of doing any form of AWS training, don’t miss A Cloud Guru. I can really recommend them. They also have iPhone and Android examination training apps.

aws AWS Solution Architect

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